Friday, February 5, 2010

College Students are at Risk

Your college age students have their information in lots of places. Dormitories with lots of people in and out of rooms, social secruity numbers still used as a means of identification, social networks, and id cards all have usable information for an opportunistic thief. Protect your college student with a safe identity protection plan.
The debts incurred by a thief with your student's identity could damage their credit for a long time. This is no way for a young person to start a life after college. Ultimately, you wil pay the bill unless you have the right plan.

Medical Identity Theft

As health care costs skyrocket, medical identity theft is on the rise and you need to protect yourself and your loved ones from this horrific experience. A social security number, date of birth and home address puts the right thief well on their way to using your identity to fund their medical expenses or sell your identity to someone who needs it. Prescriptions for narcotics are a huge area for identity thieves. Do you have a plan to protect yourself?

Identity Theft is Rampant

Identity theft is reaching new highs every year as criminals use more and more methods to access your critical information. Credit cards in your name are opened by criminals who go on a quick spending tear and leave you with the bill. Loans at banks are granted, merchandise acquired, cash withdrawn, and other assets are drained. Unfortunately you will be the last one to know when you are a victim.
The right identity protection plan will protect you and your loved ones from months or years of continued efforts to absolve debts, restore credit and protect your hard earned reputation. The amount of fraud happening today is greater than ever and you need a plan that protects you with just one phone call.